What's your favorite style of videogame?

Sunday, May 1, 2011


My friend Joe turned me on to this awesome band not too long ago called Powerglove. They're a speed metal band with one focus: video game music. Iconic video game music.

They've done metal adaptations of things like Tetris, Mario, Final Fantasy, Zelda, and Megaman. Anything iconic from your childhood is fair game.

The concert took place at this hole in the wall in Cleveland called Peabody's. I mean, this place is such a crappy place that there aren't even doors on the bathroom stalls. Only one of the sinks works, and it only has cold water. The place is painted black throughout the whole inside, and, actually, it's kind of kickass, as long as you don't need to use the bathroom. Peabody's is in downtown Cleveland, and it is so popular the concert had a line stretching all the way around the left corner of the block (which is a feat considering that Peabody's is on the right corner of the block). And the place was so packed, their general rule of "no moshing" really didn't apply.

So Powerglove was opening for Symphony X, which is an awesome band, although I've unfortunately heard too little of their stuff to be a fan. There were also two standard hardcore opening bands from around Cleveland. Neither of the bands sounded particularly interesting enough to become successful. The metal and punk scenes are already overcrowded with hardcore at this point. Powerglove played their song "Storm Eagle," which is from the Megaman X bird miniboss if any of you remember (tell me if I'm wrong). They also played a song I hadn't heard yet that my friend had said was from Final Fantasy 6, and they played an adaptation of the Pokemon cartoon theme song (which isn't technically a video game song, but there are Pokemon video games, so we'll let it slide).

It was, for lack of a better word, awesome. I would definitely recommend to anybody these two bands:

Symphony X

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