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Monday, May 9, 2011

Playstation Network Update AGAIN

Much to the chagrin of many gamers like myself, PlayStation Network is still down, and, now, we are being told that it will be around the end of the month that it is back up again.  I seem to recall Sony having said that it would be up by the end of last week, but it is not, and it is very frustrating.

I respect the reasoning - they have to iron out all security flaws they can find before it gets rolled out again.  But that doesn't change the fact that it is majorly trying my patience.  Oh well.  There's not much you can really do in this instance but wait, and hope, and rant about it in blog posts.


  1. So in other words the PSN will have been down for over 9000 minutes!(Wanted to point that out). The "Welcome Back Program" better be pretty great for over a month of lost service. One month of Plus when I was intending on getting it anyhow just isn't enough for 3 weeks more of this. All of Playstation exclusive dlc should probably be free (maybe just a lot from Little Big Planet and Modnation Racers). Brink sales will be interesting as PS3 owners won't get online till the 31st so it may not be worth the purchase until then. The good news is that L.A. Noire seems to be single player exclusive and doesn't seem to need online besides for dlc (pre orders will likely be mad). It's just so frustrating, and just about all we can do about it is write online and write to them. The threat that Anonymous was going to hack them again this week is likely the reason for the extended downtime. So I put Sony partly to blame for not knowing when and saying otherwise. I'm gonna blame Anonymous for a good part as well. I'm surprised that people who have no lives (allegedly or stereotypically) are taking away what little else people have to do. If Anonymous were a trustworthy organization they could have said they'd wait a month or two before trying again and it'd allow us to have our PSN before its new security was tested. This could even be bad for members of 4chan as Sony could see it in their best financial interests to buy the domain name and strike a blow to anonymous to scatter their /b/rothers while a new medium is found for them to gather. Yes it won't scatter the hackers, but it's still a great loss. So time will tell the repercussions of each parties actions with Sony firmly vowing to get the hackers (being Japanese based wouldn't be surprised if that's an honor bound thing of vengeance).

    When you think about the whole fact they're Japanese a few thoughts arise. The Japanese may have been kamikazes, but they didn't lower themselves to guerrilla warfare like this. You knew where their headquarters was and they proved they were so dangerous that dropping two nukes on them was deemed acceptable to stop them. The other thing to consider other than the Japanese war conduct is to consider it's hitting a country that already had an earthquake and devastating tsunami. Sony and Nintendo are much more popular in Japan and to lose Sony's online is demoralizing to a country that is trying to recover from the disaster while watching out for another disaster of the nuclear power plant melting down. It's just seems like Anonymous is going for some low blows to a country that is already struggling to get up. From that perspective, it really makes Anonymous look like bad guys. It's just food for thought about the bigger picture here.

  2. eh it seems like no one cares anymore about who they hurt. Anonymous for example, they are once again threatening as Red said so basically everyone is going to get screwed over again at some point.
