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Monday, June 27, 2011

Supreme Court Upholds Freedom of Speach

In a 7-2 decision by the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court ruled against the state of California that video games should be given different laws when sold to minors. I agree with them insofar that I believe in freedom of speech. I don't think kids should get their hands on these games, but I think the parents need to stop them. A little educations and paying attention can go a long way in keeping kids away from the wrong video games. If you already take your kid to R-rated movies for example, then likely games are not going to effect them.

The underlined reason I like this decision is because it stops a "slippery slope" scenario that has us ending up like Australia with games not being allowed in. Another positive for those over 17 or 18 are that you shouldn't have to show your i.d. to buy games. I may wait a week or two, but if a retailer says they will not sell you video games they can't legally do that. While it is bad that it makes it easier for little kids, the retailer can't legally discriminate against any group as was done in the past. So I see those rules being lifted soon. So I'm saying don't try to sue people yet because it would hurt the industry. However, I don't hold sympathy for Gamestop as they already do what they can to make games more expensive. (Lawsuit idea is not necessarily true, just what I know.)

Working on a review for Infamous and L.A. Noire. Recently beat both of them, just need to gather my thoughts.

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